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From Mayans Aintiram, a condensation of Pranava Veda
1. All objects of nature are unified entities (forms) of energy and matter.
2. The free space is the unified field of energy and matter and source of all forms that we see in material world.
3. There are two OMs: OM Light and OM Sound, the former is the source of all visible objects and the latter, the source of all aural forms.
4. All material forms of the universe are musical forms or have taken shape on musical rhythm or musical scale.
5. Time creates, sustains, and destroys all, so created.
6. The primal manifest form of the unmanifest is square (primal wave pattern).
7. The primal square pattern is designated as the diagram of embodied energy – Vaastu Purusha Mandala.
8. The free space is packed with cubical atoms of energy. They are building blocks of the structure of the universe.
9. The cube is micro-abode called Sittravai/Chittrambalam (mini hall in Tamil).
10. Within the hall there is a vertical luminous shaft called Brahma Sutra (Oli nool).
11. This Olinool/Brahma Sutra is a shaft of consciousness also called Moolathoon/Moolasthambham.
12. This shaft of consciousness vibrates in a particular order called rhythm. This is the order of nature.
13. This rhythmic vibration of the shaft of consciousness is the dance of Shiva, the Space.
14. The micro space, in the cubical shape is fetus, Garbha or Bindu. This is known as Vinkaru in Tamil.
15. This micro abode is the repository of light and sound.
16. The free space is Light and the Light is Moolam or source of the universe and universal forms. Light is Brahman, Atman, Vastu Brahman – Nun porul in Tamil.
17. The embodied energy is Vaastu Brahman/Vaastu Purushan. The space enclosed in a building is Prasada Purushan – energized building – Building is a living organism, built of musical units of measure.
18. Architecture is the supreme achievement of mathematics.
19. Mathematics is rooted in the dynamism of Absolute Time.
20. Time is the vibration of Space.
21. Time and Space are equal.
22. Time is one of the subtle elements of Space (akasa).
23. Time is the causal element of all objects of the Universe.
24. The microcosmic structure is in total identity with macrocosmic structure.
25. The supreme space is throbbing every moment to express itself out.
26. Through the power of inner consciousness, the knower of Vastu should know about light aspects and sound aspects of OM pertaining to both inner and outer space.
27. Those who do not realize the creative dynamism of inner space cannot know the dynamism of outer space (195,831). tego linka powy¿sze punkty (mo¿e kto¶ prze³o¿y?
s± podsumowaniem niektórych zasad wy³o¿onych w tek¶cie "Mayan's Aintriam"Na poni¿szym obrazku - na górze po jego prawej stronie jest symbol tej 64-krotnej siatki energetycznej.